1. This forum is aimed at a general audience. This means our site is designed for 13 year olds and older. Everything must be aimed at this age and older. Explicit, offensive, shocking, drug talk, vulgar language, nudity, porn and so forth is not allowed.
2. All publicly displayed messages are only limited to English. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles and other forms of public display.
3. Do not mini-mod! If you think that post or thread is inappropriate then please report the post and let the forums staff deal with it.
4. Post in correct section. Read the forum descriptions before posting.
5. All topics and posts (Signatures, Avatars included) that are posted on the site shall be done in a respectful and visually acceptable style and manner, any topic or post that has come under question will always be left to the staff's final discretion.
6. Do not use offensive text such as discrimination, racism, or swearing.
7. Posting the same links is not allowed.
8. Images and download links must be coded and posted on free hosting websites. Do not post masked, protected, redirecting or referral links links, only direct download links are permitted. Surveys for downloads are also prohibited. Links to torrents are not allowed.
9. Flaming, spamming, rudeness will not be tolerated. Posting of shares with the same topic/title but different links is not allowed. Please use the edit button to add fresh links to your post/s.
10. Multiple registrations/accounts are prohibited, this WILL result in an immediate ban of all associated accounts and posts trashed.

Members who disobey the rules will be warned or banned depending on what the moderator believes is the appropriate punishment.